Introduction to Business Research Unit (BRU)
Purely dedicated to the advancement of knowledge, Business Research Unit (BRU) of Faculty of Business, University of Moratuwa was inaugurated in 2018 in anticipation of vitalizing and exchanging vast spectrum of insights and innovative ideas to revamp the landscape of modern-day businesses. As an oasis to strengthen future research collaborations, BRU urges to assist the development and practical application of consistent ethical standards in its all activities.
With paramount coherence to uplift the status of contemporary business world, BRU organises International Conference on Business Research (ICBR) annually. ICBR aims to provide a platform for both local and international researchers and industry experts and, to share their knowledge, experiences, perspectives and insights. The conference welcomes high quality empirical research papers, conceptual papers, and testing of alternative methodologies and theories that have significant contributions to the body of knowledge covering all areas of research in business while encouraging critical analysis of policy and practice.
BRU proudly presents a webinar series on Research Methodologies. Intended for researchers of all experience levels and backgrounds, this series highlights qualitative and quantitative research and data collection methods across the social sciences and management disciplines while showcasing practical insights into both traditional and emerging research approaches. Open to all, the webinar series is a forum for debating issues related to research methodologies and it seeks to foster a dialogue between practitioners, policy-makers, students, academia and researchers.

7th International Conference on Business Research (ICBR 2024)
Organized by the Business Research Unit of Faculty of Business, University of Moratuwa, the International Conference on Business Research (ICBR) provides a platform for both local/international researchers and industry experts to share their knowledge, experiences, perspectives and insights.
International Conference on Business Research welcomes high quality empirical research papers, conceptual papers, and testing of alternative methodologies and theories that have significant contributions to the body of knowledge covering all areas of research in business while encouraging critical analysis of policy and practice. Conference welcomes cultural and geographic diversity in submissions to better conceptualize how businesses are conducted world-wide.
All submissions judged as suitable for the conference are sent to two experts in the related area for double blind peer review.
Business Research Unit uses Turnitin software to check the originality of papers submitted for the conference. Business Research Unit supports the development and practical application of consistent ethical standards in its publications.
All papers accepted for the conference will be published in the conference proceedings with an ISSN number. The individual papers will have a separate Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for easy reference and access.